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Lip Lightening Treatments Are Incredibly Popular – But Are They Problematic?


Lip Lightening Treatments Are Incredibly Popular – But Are They Problematic?

Mugged by Rochelle Brock.   Lip treatments are big business in the beauty assiduity. From lip  padding to lip threading,  innumerous brands and aestheticians have shown us how we can  rotund, smooth and hydrate our lips. But  lately, a new treatment has  surfaced which specifically targets women of colour. 

Enter lip lightening.   What's lip lightening? 

  Head to Instagram and you will spot  innumerous clips and  rolls showing skin experts helping women to remove their lip saturation, whether that is via tattoos or topical, saturation- reducing  constituents  frequently  vended in accoutrements , which can be bought from conventions and salons. Dr Vanita Rattan, author of The Hyperpigmentation Clinic,  lately launched a DIY lip hyperpigmentation  tackle. It has proven to be incredibly popular, dealing  out within 48 hours." We had no idea what the demand would be," Dr Rattan tells R29," but people of colour will know that hyperpigmentation can be  relatively distressing and affect your confidence." Of course, it must be stressed that lip saturation is normal. According to adviser  dermatologist Dr Hope Mitchell, just like any area of the body, our lips can be affected by hyperpigmentation, too." Any trauma can lead to inflammation which will produce  redundant melanin," Dr Mitchell says." Common causes are genetics, smoking,  inordinate blankness, UV exposure or chemical  annoyances." Dr Mitchell explains that tyrosinase is the main enzyme responsible for color  product, and tyrosinase impediments are the most common  constituents used to treat unwanted saturation." They include hydroquinone, arbutin, L- ascorbic acid, kojic acid and tranexamic acid," she explains.   

Is lip lightening uncovering the beauty assiduity's colourism?   

Commonly, lightening the lips with a hyperpigmentation  tackle or tattoo raises  enterprises of colourism." Lips are a  largely emotive beauty subject and for  numerous times, Black people have been  scouted and  imitated for the size and colour of theirs," says adviser  dermatologist Dr Mary Sommerlad. She adds that only in recent times, with the rise of lip  padding, have fuller lips been seen as an  seductive  point in Western societies." As a dark bearded woman myself, I find it extremely problematic that lightening the lips appears to be normalised. Colourism is real and causes  overdue misery, especially in darker barked women." Medical aesthetician and skin specialist Bianca Estelle, who's Black, says that to some extent, removing lip saturation is a form of skin lightening. Conforming to European beauty  norms is a  wide issue which has  percolated  Black and Asian communities for times, which Estelle says she has witnessed in her practice." I believe that the fashionability of  similar treatments is linked to colourism and  clearly to a Eurocentric aesthetic ideal." She continues" sorely, in  numerous  societies, there's still a projected preference to women with lighter complexions." But Estelle says that lip treatments  similar as these can be  discerned grounded on how the saturation wascaused.However,  also I would n’t class the treatment as skin lightening," If the saturation was formed as a result of sunburn or smoking."   Dr Sommerlad has  enterprises, given that there's no  citation of lightening accoutrements  in particular being suitable only for those who want to balance out their lip tone due to hyperpigmentation caused by a skin issue." As a dark bearded Black woman with deeply  painted lips, my first question is why? Is this treatingpost-inflammatory hyperpigmentation after a  complaint like lichen planus, in which case cases should be managed by a adviser  dermatologist? Or is this aesthetic, which opens up a  total can of worms?"   Teni Giokabari, cofounder of online retailer for women of colour, Coco Spice, knows of several people who have wanted to lighten their lips." utmost have wanted camo colours to look  further  pictorial on their lips, like the belt," she tells me, adding that those who have asked  lighter lips have also  formerly lightened their skin in other areas." I've an' each to their own'mentality.However, but I've a problem with the social counteraccusations  of wanting to be lighter, more pink or anything linked toanti-Blackness, If it improves your  internal good  also I say go for it.   “   As a dark bearded woman myself, I find it extremely problematic that lightening the lips appears to be normalised. Colourism is real and causes  overdue misery, especially in darker barked women.   Dr Mary Sommerlad   Is lip lightening safe?   Dr Sommerlad says she's  scarified that tyrosinase impediments are  frequently described as'  threat-free' in the assiduity, as they can beget  vexation, which may lead to inflammation andpost-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, darkening the skin further." There are no health benefits to having lighter lips, so I would assume the purpose is purely aesthetic," Dr Sommerlad adds." When it comes to aesthetic procedures, the first question I ask  guests is why do you want the treatment? Is it for themselves or is it to please a  mate, an employer or a social group?"   In the US,  ornamental tattoos are most popular to neutralise and lighten  painted lips. further generally known as' lip  flushing', the treatment is a form ofsemi-permanent makeup, which aesthetic experts claim can help conceal blue or  grandiloquent colours in the lips. Depending on the  customer’s  thing, colour can be deposited  moreover to lighten the lips or to add shape and dimension.

 Dr Sommerlad says that although  ornamental tattoos are  largely popular, she's bothered by the conception of tattooing the lips to look lighter." People do n’t  frequently know that tattoos can beget serious complications," she says." Granulomas, which are lumps, can form and come  endless, and blood- borne infections can  do if  outfit isn't sterilised  rightly."

 Dr Sommerlad adds that she'd question why someone is seeking permanently lighter lips via a tattoo." Tattoos arepermanent.However, unlike  padding, Botox or a fake tan, If you decide you do n’t like the  outgrowth. Living with a  endless  revision to your lips that you do n’t like is distressing."   “   Like other beauty treatments that open up controversial dialogue, it's  pivotal to educate rather than dismiss lip lightening.   ”   Education is  crucial when it comes to aesthetic treatments   Dr Mitchell, who's Black, disagrees that the lip lightening trend is linked to colourism." 

My community over then doesn't  bandy it as so," she tells R29." We  clearly are n’t  hysterical  to perform or recommend this treatment when in the hands of a professionally trained medical provider." Eventually, as with other beauty treatments that open up controversial dialogue, it’s  pivotal to educate rather than dismiss lip lightening.   Estelle says that skin lightening is deeply  rooted within some  societies and her primary  part is advising  guests on what's safe and effective." My concern would be for the safety of these treatments and whether women of colour are visiting an  educatedsemi-permanent makeup artist that's  professed in treating darker skin types." She explains that failure to find someone with the necessary qualifications or skill set can be disastrous and lead to  numerous skin issues, including the area  getting more pigmented or indeed scarred." It’s better to have safe options, advice and open  exchanges, rather than  pertaining to treatments and products as taboo. This risks  further damage to people's skin for lack of education."   Although the expression" my lips but better" is ever- popularised,  maybe we need to question the lengths we ’ll go to in pursuit of the perfect pout. Dr Sommerlad has the last word." Lips aren't just a  pivotal part of our mouth but also part of our identity," she says." We should  noway  alter our appearance to conform to someone differently’s beauty standard." 

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